Is It Possible to Clean Carpet Padding? Yes and No. Here's Why.

A common question we professional carpet cleaners get is in regard to the padding underneath the carpet. Do we clean it? No. For several reasons mentioned below, the risk outweighs the reward. I know, you're still wondering if its possible. Read on...

Is it possible to clean carpet padding without removing the carpets?

The simple answer is probably not. Typical carpet cleaning machines that you can rent from a store don't have enough power to scrub deep enough to reach the padding. They definitely don't have the power to remove stains like our Overland Park carpet cleaning service professionals do. They definitely don't have the vacuum power to get the moisture back up out of it. If you absolutely feel like cleaning the padding of your carpets, then there's only one way to do it. You have to peel pack the top carpet to expose the pad underneath. Only then can you start to clean it. It might just be a better option to replace it if you're going to go through all of the effort in the first place.

Do Carpet Cleaners Clean the Pad?

Not directly. Professional carpet cleaners aren't going to risk a liability issue by taking out the wooden baseboards, peeling back the carpet, cleaning the pad, then replacing everything. Sure, they might be licensed to do that, but the risk involved usually outweighs the benefit. I'm sure if you sign some sort of agreement that minimizes fault you could talk a carpet cleaning company into doing it. However, this should be negotiated before they get there.

Does Carpet Padding Dry?

Most carpet padding is made up of a spongy material that won't dry unless you leave it out in the sun and fresh air. Ultimately the best solution is to replace your carpet padding if you think its too filthy. If you do decide to clean your carpet padding and then put the carpet back over it, you're in trouble. There is a very high likelihood that the pad will start to develop mold and could even become a health risk. Similar to how using a kitchen sponge too long makes it stink, your carpeting will begin to give off musty smells due to the mildew.